Items Permitted for Sale

The Barnwell Farmers Market is a producer focused market and priority will be given to applicants with raw agricultural products (fruits, veggies, herbs, honey), other perishable goods (dairy, meat, seafood) and handmade items. BFM encourages dedication to sourcing local ingredients when evaluating a value-added (jam, juice, bread, etc.) or prepared foods application.

Fresh Farm Products – SC grown fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts, honey, dairy products, eggs, poultry, mushrooms, meats, and fish. Also included in this category are fresh flowers, nursery stock, and plants.

Value-Added Products – products made from SC grown agricultural items and processed beyond their raw, natural state. These include: jams and jellies; pickles, relishes, hot sauce, and salsas; preserved foods; cider; dried fruits and vegetables; dairy products such as cheese and yogurt

Prepared Foods / Food Trucks – made from scratch by the vendor using ingredients not grown or raised by an agricultural producer. Items include: juices, coffee and tea, bread, pastries and other baked goods, chocolate and candies, pet products, pastas, dressings and sauces, oils, vinegars, granola, and hot prepared foods

Hand-made Arts / Crafts / Goods – Original, unique and high quality items, which bring some added value to the Barwell Farmers Market. All products must be the actual work of the crafter.  Items include, but not limited to: handmade jewelry, pottery, decorations, pet accessories, knit items, photography, paintings, clothing, woodworking, bird houses etc.

Steps to Becoming a Vendor
Step 1: See if you Qualify

Review the Rules and Regulations to see if your business is eligible to become a vendor at the BFM and to learn more about the requirements and expectations of participating at the market.

Step 2: Fill out the Application

Fill out an online Vendor Application Form. Applicants will receive a notification acknowledging receipt of the application and request for any further information needed. All vendors are responsible for providing copies of any necessary permits, licenses or inspections upon request.

Step 3: Application Review & Status Notification

The BFM is committed to creating a diverse marketplace with the highest quality, locally produced products available. Application information will be evaluated to ensure your business and products comply with all BFM rules and regulations, SCDA requirements, SC DHEC regulations or Cottage Food Law guidelines. Market staff will work with any vendor needing assistance in acquiring any necessary permits or licenses.

Upon review of your application, BFM staff will be in contact with prospective vendors to notify them of their acceptance status, arrange appropriate fee payments and schedule a start date for you to begin selling at the market!

Step 4: Market Vendor Meeting

All market vendors are required to attend a market vendor meeting before the start of the season. You will receive adequate advance notice about the time, date, and location of this meeting. During the meeting, vendors will meet BFM Market Staff, review the rules and regulations, pay for their market fees, and have the opportunity to ask questions and meet fellow members of their new market community.

Community / Non-Profit Table

As part of BFM’s mission to inspire and nurture a healthy community, we are happy to offer mission-aligned nonprofits and community groups space to share their work through tabling at the market. Community vendor tables are free to use. Organizations and groups must sign up in advance to be placed on the market schedule. The BFM does not allow political soliciting, promoting, tabling, campaigning or canvassing of any kind at the market. Our goal is to support farmers and local businesses.

Rules, Regulations & Resources

Review the rules and regulations to see if your business is eligible to become a BFM vendor.

Vendor Directory

Meet the farmers, food makers and artisans that make up your local farmers market!

Events & Programs

Check out our calendar of events to find out what’s happening at the market this season.